Why is Silage Wrap Adelaide the Best Product for Baling? Find Out Now!

When baling silage and hay, you must determine what type of wrap or film you’re going to use. That way, you’ll know what type of baling product you’re going to purchase from your local agricultural store. Of all the different baling products available, silage wrap Adelaide is among the most used and most in-demand by farmers. If you want to get the most value out of your baling activity, then always go for high-quality silage wrap. Continue reading and discover more about what a silage wrap can do for you.


Essential Specifications

Many farmers and balers buy a particular baling product and use it for all of their baling work. While there’s nothing wrong with using a single product for all your baling needs, you should also consider the specifications of certain bales. Some set of fibrous materials require a particular type of baling product. That’s why you need to know the exact specifications of the silage wrap you’re using. Not only will it guarantee a successful baling process but will also ensure a lesser spoilage rate.


Long or Short Rolls?

When it comes to baling using silage wrap Adelaide, you should also consider the all-important decision between going for either longer or shorter rolls of wrap. While each preference has its own upsides and downsides, always keep in mind the different types of rolls needed. It will also depend on the wrap that you use. If you go for the standard wrap, you should get more rolls because you’ll be spending around 20 to 30 turns before you can fully wrap a bale. Other bale wraps that are thicker require fewer turns.


A net wrap is a type of silage wrap Adelaide that only requires a few turns – around one to three. Afterwards, you can fully wrap your bale and proceed to the next one. If you want speed and efficiency, then this type of silage wrap is the best option since it can wrap your bales fast. You can then proceed to other similarly essential things to do around the farm. With a high-quality silage wrap, you can save both time and money.

But then again, it all goes down to your personal preference. If you want to use traditional wrap because you’re used to it, then do it. But if you were to ask for our suggestion, we’d recommend something like the net wrap that’s thick, durable, and requires fewer turns to fully wrap a silage bale.