Dental Crowns Adelaide: Dental Crowns – What Are They?

Crowns are a great way to strengthen a damaged tooth, improving its appearance and alleviating discomfort and sensitivity. These restorations are durable and can last years with proper care and maintenance.

A dental crown is a porcelain ‘cap’ that covers the damaged tooth, strengthening it and restoring its shape, size, and alignment within your smile. It is often matched to the colour of the natural tooth to ensure a natural appearance. For more information about the dental crowns Adelaide, click here.


dental crowns AdelaideA dental crown is a false tooth that covers and encases a damaged or decayed tooth. It is used to restore teeth’ function and strengthen weak ones, thereby decreasing the risk of fractures or breaks. It also improves the appearance of a discoloured or misshapen tooth.

Depending on the patient’s requirements, a crown can be made from different materials. Metal crowns are typically recommended for molars because they rarely chip or break and cause minimal wear to the opposing teeth. Porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns are more attractive and can be colour-matched to natural teeth, but they are more susceptible to fractures.

The cost of a dental crown depends on the material and the clinic’s location. However, it is generally cheaper than other types of restorations. However, patients should always choose their dentist carefully and not base the decision solely on price. The most affordable option is not necessarily the best, as quality often suffers.


Crowns are made from various materials and can be matched to the colour, shape, and texture of your existing teeth. They can also improve the appearance of discoloured, misshapen, or damaged teeth. They can also relieve discomfort from weakened teeth that are broken or decayed. For more information about the dental crowns Adelaide, click here.

Several types of crowns are available, including gold, porcelain fused to metal, and zirconia. The kind of crown you choose depends on your needs and budget. Porcelain crowns are the most popular because they look natural and are metal-free. However, they are not as strong as metal crowns and may not last as long.

In addition to restoring the strength of damaged teeth, dental crowns can improve the appearance of your smile and help you avoid complications. However, you should still regularly brush and floss your teeth to prevent cavities underneath the crown. In addition, you should seek prompt treatment if you notice signs of problems with your height, such as pain or looseness.


Dental crowns, or caps, are a treatment that strengthens and improves the appearance of damaged or decayed teeth. They also protect the tooth’s structure by covering the entire surface and preventing further damage. They can be made from various materials, including porcelain and zirconia, and matched to the colour of your natural teeth.

The dentist injects a local anaesthetic to numb the area during the procedure. The tooth will then be reshaped to prepare it for the crown. An impression will then be taken using paste or putty to form a model of the tooth’s shape and size.

A temporary dental crown will be placed to ensure the tooth while the permanent crown is constructed in a lab. The crown will be anchored to the tooth with dental cement. Following proper oral hygiene techniques, including brushing, and flossing twice daily and regular dental checkups, is essential. For more information about the dental crowns Adelaide, click here.


Dental crowns are a famous dental treatment option for damaged, broken, or decayed teeth. They can also help enhance the overall appearance of a patient’s smile. However, it is essential to note that various factors, including oral hygiene habits and lifestyle choices, can influence the lifespan of a dental crown.

For instance, smoking and excessive alcohol consumption can reduce the lifespan of a dental crown. These habits can cause germs to collect under the gum line, resulting in tooth loss or gum disease. Dental crowns are known to be durable and long-lasting, but they can experience wear and tear over time, mainly if you use your teeth to open packages or grind them.